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Miracle Blanket Instructions and Information

Step One
Step One
Miracle Blanket instruction step 1 
Lay the blanket on a flat surface with the foot pouch at the bottom and lay baby between arm flaps with tops of shoulders slightly above top of blanket.

Step Two
Step Two
Miracle Blanket instruction step 2
Fold the armflaps over the outside of your baby’s arms and tuck them snugly under her back on each side. IMPORTANT: You should lift the baby’s bottom to be sure the arm flaps are flat and snug under baby’s back.

Step Three
Step Three
Miracle Blanket instruction step 3
Pull the foot pocket up over the feet.

NOTE: Some babies’ feet may not reach the foot pocket yet. This is okay: It will be there for them as they grow.

Step Four
Step Four
Miracle Blanket instruction step 4
Fold the right side of the blanket over your baby’s belly and tuck it under the left arm pit (her right). This flap should wrap all the way under the baby’s back.

Step Five
Step Five
Miracle Blanket instruction step 5
Wrap the left side of the blanket over the top of her belly and all the way around her until you run out of blanket. This is where it is important to pull the blanket snug. THE BLANKET MUST BE PULLED SNUG.


Miracle Blanket important information
After wrapping the arms (Step 2), fold the bottom of the foot pocket up so the feet touch the bottom of the wrap. This will create a more perfect, custom swaddle. Follow steps 4-5.

To further enhance effectiveness, try the following:

After wrapping your baby, cradle her on your forearm facing down or forward.
Gently rock or jiggle your baby while making long “Shushing” sounds in her ear.
If your baby likes a pacifier, definitely use it

If your baby seems too warm, dress her in a diaper and the Miracle Blanket® only.

The room temperature where your baby sleeps should be comfortable for a lightly dressed adult (67-72°F).

As your baby grows, the blanket may seem loose around her legs. This is perfectly okay. This will allow for proper movement and development of her hip and knee joints.

It is best to wrap your baby very snugly. It’s normal for her to fuss when first wrapped – especially the first few times. But don’t worry, after a week or two most babies begin to relax at the mere sight of the blanket.

Be sure that the blanket is NOT touching your baby’s cheeks. This may trigger her “Rooting Response” and may wake her. If the blanket is touching her cheeks, you have wrapped her too low in the blanket. You must be sure the top of the blanket is slightly below the tops of her shoulders.

It is very important to tuck the arm flaps securely and flat under the baby’s back as the flaps keep your baby from working her arms free and waking herself. This also keeps your baby’s arms in the most effective position – at her sides.

Many babies prefer to have their feet free. In step two you may position your baby with her feet on top of the foot pouch to see if your baby prefers to be wrapped this way.

We recommend swaddling from birth to 14 weeks.

If your baby is able to roll over or is showing signs that they will soon, we recommend discontinuing tight swaddling. (Not just in a Miracle Blanket®, but in any tight swaddling solution.)

Important Note Regarding Car seats:

We do not recommend using the Miracle Blanket® with a car seat. If a baby’s arms and legs are inside the blanket then they cannot extend through the six point harness. It is imperative that an infant car seat be used EXACTLY as recommended by the manufacturer. This is even true if the car seat is used outside the car.

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